You may have cared for your skin with some success, but the network of lines and wrinkles continues to grow – until now. At Surface MedSpa, we offer an array of treatments to smooth away the years, and leave you looking years younger in the most natural way.

Dermal fillers

If you want a fast, effective way to smooth wrinkles and lines, dermal fillers, when injected by a talented expert, can restore the volume under your skin to smooth away the years, whether chin wrinkles, smile lines, or vertical lip lines, for a nuanced, elegant change.

BOTOX or Dysport

Both BOTOX and Dysport work to relax over-active facial muscles that lead to creases between your brows, vertical lines on your forehead, and crow’s feet. Regular treatments “retrain” your skin, with the wrinkles and lines slowly fading to being just a memory.

Tetra CO2

At Surface MedSpa, we offer an advanced laser skin rejuvenation treatment with the Tetra CO2 system. This groundbreaking medical device produces visible changes in skin quality and firmness. Watch your skin renew, becoming smoother, fresher, and more resilient.


If you want to undergo a more extensive skin rejuvenation treatment to treat wrinkles and lines, you will love the results of CoolPeel. This system is the gold-standard for laser skin resurfacing, producing visible changes in skin quality and smoothness, minus the downtime of older systems.


Specific types of light energy, when applied to the skin, trigger natural cell growth. BBL HERO and Forever Clear treatments are the most effective of all BBL systems, delivering light energy to your skin four times faster, and at a level of energy three times higher – and is fully customizable to match your skin quality. The light energy triggers skin renewal at the cellular level to leave you with healthier, smoother skin that glows.

Regenerative fat grafting

Stem cells have a special capacity – they work to tell other cells to proliferate and renew. Adipose cells (fat cells) have a high number of stem cells, and when injected, not only restore volume, smoothing wrinkles and lines, but work to stimulate natural cell renewal for a long-term impact on skin quality.

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Microneedling works by creating tiny injuries in your skin send a signal to your skin to heal. Wound healing involves collagen production, the ideal natural skin smoothing substance. At Surface MedSpa we offer a rare opportunity to our clients, with regenerative microneedling with the smallest fat cells, called “nanofat.” They enter your skin, smoothing lines and wrinkles, while regenerating the skin from within for a remarkable improvement in quality and firmness.

Enjoy the Journey to Youthful Skin

Surface MedSpa was established by a leading, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Joel Beck, the founder of Beck Aesthetic Surgery in Charlotte. He has searched out the world’s most advanced skin rejuvenation treatments for his loyal clientele, delivered in a luxuriously appointed environment of personalized care. Imagine looking years younger, with your skin glowing, smooth, and flawless – your wishes become reality when you are under our care.

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